The RowSource of your ComboBox is what populates the dropdown list of the combo. You can use a saved query or a SQL string. Something like this:
Select A.*
FROM [Fix List] as A
Order by A.[FixName];
Just update the red code for the field name that you want to be picked and copy and paste into the RowSource. You will have to update the column widths property. But, then the dropdown will be populated with the fields from your table.
Bob Scriver
Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.
Author, Bagdad Bob???
You post indicated that you have a linked table and I assumed it's name is [Fix List]. So, from the table we are going to use the data to create a recordset that will be displayed in the combobox. FixName is a dummy field that I just created to indicate whatever field name you want to show.
Why don't you indicate the table name and the field names that you want to use from the table to display in the combobox. I will then update the SQL to show that data.
Bob Scriver
Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.
Author, Bagdad Bob???
Put the following SQL in the RowSource property of the ComboBox. Select A.r_Asset
FROM t_Asset as A
Order by A.r_Asset;
You shouldn't have to change any of the other promperties as they are defaulted to just one column and they should work with this SQL. Now you comobobox should be filled with the value r_Asset and ready for the picking by your Users.
If you have any other questions just post back and I will try to help.
Bob Scriver
Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.
Author, Bagdad Bob???
The "A" is just an "alias" for your table. It is a SQL programming shorthand that renames the table so that through a complex query you don't have to retype a long table name over and over again. You just refer to the table as "A.[r_Assets]" rather than "t_Assets.[r_Assets].
Bob Scriver
Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.
Author, Bagdad Bob???
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