I need help with one formula (below) in snippet. I need the percent of Same day appointments by Doctor minus the canceled appointments.
I think the best way to describe this is by telling you about an example I have. I have 16 appointments on my demo schedule. 2 were scheduled appointments and 14 were same day walk in appointments.
2 scheduled appointments
14 same day walk in appointments
16 Total appointments
Of the 14 same day appointments 9 were canceled for various reasons. This means I have 5 same day appointments that did not cancel.
5 same day appointments that did not cancel.
16 total appointments
5/16 % = 31.25% (this is what I need and I am not sure how to do this).
My formula (not working as I need):
I think the best way to describe this is by telling you about an example I have. I have 16 appointments on my demo schedule. 2 were scheduled appointments and 14 were same day walk in appointments.
2 scheduled appointments
14 same day walk in appointments
16 Total appointments
Of the 14 same day appointments 9 were canceled for various reasons. This means I have 5 same day appointments that did not cancel.
5 same day appointments that did not cancel.
16 total appointments
5/16 % = 31.25% (this is what I need and I am not sure how to do this).
My formula (not working as I need):
if ({#Scheduled Doctor} + {#Same Day Doctor}) <> 0 then
({#Scheduled Doctor} + {#Same Day Doctor}) /
{#Same Day Doctor} - ({#Reschedule Doctor} +
{#Patient Left Doctor} +
{#No Show Doctor} +
{#Clinic CX Doctor} +
{#Completed Appts Doctor} +
{#Patient CX Doctor}