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HELP - ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'

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Aug 3, 2001
ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'
Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.
/respond.asp, line 12

which = conntemp.Open myconnect

This is all i keep seeing & its driving me MAD!!

My machine runs on Win98 I'm using Access97 & Ms PWS 4.0.

My html application was running fine connecting to my 97db & doing everthing i asked of it.
I came back from lunch to find FrontPage2002 installed on my machine. Now all i get is the above error I removed FP2002 then tried to run my application to no avail having then to set all PWS back back to 98 from 2000 settings run the app, guess what, that good old ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'.

I I've even unistalled PWS reinstalled it made sure all the config was 98 & not 2000.
I don't really have an answer, but here are some suggestions from another web site:

Feb 8:
I keep getting the following error: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e7a' ADO could not find the specified provider. /students/ShowGradeBook.asp, line 10 I'm using Access 97 and tried changing the provider to jet 3.5 but I get the same error. Any ideas? -- Jim Ward

I received the same error using Access 97 on Windows 98. Then I downloaded Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 3 at This solved my problem. Good luck. -- Sammy Porras

I also got the same error message that Jim got. I tried downloading and installing the Service Pack as Sammy recommended, but I got an error message during the install that it couldn't find a file. Now, I have a couple of problems: 1)it appears that part of the service pack is installed, (becuase when I run the script I get the error message Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'. Could not find installable ISAM) but I can't figure out how to uninstall it. 2) I still can't run the script. Any suggestions? -- Noura Pier

Installed all service and jet packs and still getting error. I am on win/98 with pws. I don't get any erros when I take this line out of the code &quot;<%= objRec(&quot;LastName&quot;) %>, <%= objRec(&quot;FirstName&quot;) %>: score = <%= objRec(&quot;Score&quot;) %><br> &quot; Can you double check the syntax on that Edward? I am also using Access 97. Do you have to go in and set anything in security? -- cory

corey, this code works on access 2000 and there are significant differences between the two. what errors do you get exactly? -- edward

I'm getting exactly the same as above. The error i'm at at the moment is: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e7a' ADO could not find the specified provider. /students/ShowGradeBook.asp, line 10 Can this just be that we don't have Access 2000? -- Danny

I get this error: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e7a' ADO could not find the specified provider. /students/ShowGradeBook.asp, line 10 ****************** I too tried downloading the Jet4.0 pack, but is there more to do other than just run the .exe setup file? I'm running win95 and Access97. -- Rob Cotnam

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Jan 31:
I keep getting this error when i get to this stage Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' Unspecified error /students/ShowGradeBook.asp, line 13 I did exactly like you said and i tried other tutorials and i still get problems. I really don't know what is wrong. I am using PWS and access 2000 so i don't know. Do i have to do something with OLEDB or something, i dont know. Could you e-mail me with the answer. My e-mail address is odriscol@c4.com. I have also tried using ODBC and no go aswell -- Gavin O'Driscoll

If you are using NT or 2000 it could be that write permissions are not set for the Web site. Right click the file and set the permissions to read/write for Everyone. -- Edward

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Thanx cactus1000
I downloaded Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 3 & it worked
Quite strange though after checking my ODBC i found that they were already set to Jet 4.0
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