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help about folder en files...

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Jul 17, 2001
Hi every body, I´ve a folder "c:\myfolder" and in this folder I´ve some free tables "c:\myfolder\mytable1.dbf", "c:\myfolder\mytable2.dbf", etc, whell, I need search in each table some register and replace or insert in a table in my principal database. My question is: Is posible locate this register in all tables into "c:\myfolder" at same time???

I hope someone can helpme


Create an array of the tables in the directory:
nCount = ADIR(a_MyTable,"*.dbf")

And the loop through the array
SET DEFAULT TO c:\slp\dbfs
nCount = ADIR(a_Mytables,"*.dbf")
FOR i = 1 TO nCount
  IF !EMPTY(a_myTables[i,1])
     LOCAL tName
     STORE a_myTables[i,1] TO tName
     USE (tName) SHARED AGAIN IN 0
     SELECT (tName)
     && Do what you have to do here
Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.
Of course! There's always a way! It just depends on whether it would take more coding time than manual time as to whether you want to go about it.

If you are going to look in a specific column in all the tables for a certain item, you could do something like:
*... get an array of tables
nHowMany = ADIR(aTables, '*.DBF')

*... walk throught the array
FOR ii = 1 TO nHowMany
   USE (aTables[ii, 1]) ALIAS tmptable
   *... just in case you grab a table without 
   *...  your particular search field in it
   IF TYPE('tmptable.SearchField') # 'U' 
      *... LOCATE the item, or SEEK if you have an index
      LOCATE FOR tmptable.SearchField = 'Whatever'
      IF FOUND()
         REPLACE SomeTable.SomeField WITH ;

Now if you're going to look for the value in an unknown field, that's a different scenario. You will have to create an array of field names and walk through them, doing a locate, seek, SELECT SQL or whatever for each column.
Dave S.
Looks like Mike and I are on the same page. :) Dave S.

Looks like Mike and I are on the same page

Same page, same book :) Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.
THANK´S you guy, this really helpme. I was thinking do it with DIR c:\myfolder\*.DBF TO FILE MYFILE.TXT, then pass this .txt file to .dbf file, all of this just to get the name of all my tables, then pass the nametable to a variable(varnametable=nametable) and then select with select while !eof(). This is to much complicated but this was just the only way that I had. Really thank´s. Excuse my english but I just talk spanish because I´m from Venezuela
THANK´S you guy, this really helpme. I was thinking do it with DIR c:\myfolder\*.DBF TO FILE MYFILE.TXT, then pass this .txt file to .dbf file, all of this just to get the name of all my tables, then pass the nametable to a variable(varnametable=nametable) and then select with select while !eof(). This is to much complicated but this was just the only way that I had. Really thank´s. Excuse my english but I just talk spanish because I´m from Venezuela

No worries. Your english is much better than my spanish.
Dave S.
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