Hello Chaps,
I have the following problem:
(1) I have an ODBC link to a database which populates a spreadsheet via parameter and refesh buttons on a VB form.
(2) I then copy the populated section of the sheet to another sheet and then save it as a CSV. file.
(3)The point of doing this is that I am using a third party tool to create OLAP cubes from the CSV file. Unfortunatley the OLAP tool is not a data junction and I need to point to a specific file path.
(4)Therefore I had the idea that if I always call the csv file the same name and the code keeps checking if the file exists in a specific directory. i.e. it keeps looking to add the file to the directory until the cube processes the file and removes it from the directory. At the moment my VB keeps just copying over my old file.
I want it to look to see if it is there if it is keep looping until it has dissapeared and then copy the file to that location.
Public Const cSwitchFile As String = "Switch.csv"
'This sub is called from the refresh button which updates the query
Sub CopySwitchData()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
strSheetName = cSwitchFile
If SheetExists(strSheetName) Then
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"
'or Exit Sub, Loop ????????????????????????????
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
cLandingPath & cSwitchFolder & cSwitchFile, FileFormat:= _
xlCSVMSDOS, CreateBackup:=False
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Any ideas? I know this is very unelegant but it is just for a proof of concept. Cheers, Alistair
I have the following problem:
(1) I have an ODBC link to a database which populates a spreadsheet via parameter and refesh buttons on a VB form.
(2) I then copy the populated section of the sheet to another sheet and then save it as a CSV. file.
(3)The point of doing this is that I am using a third party tool to create OLAP cubes from the CSV file. Unfortunatley the OLAP tool is not a data junction and I need to point to a specific file path.
(4)Therefore I had the idea that if I always call the csv file the same name and the code keeps checking if the file exists in a specific directory. i.e. it keeps looking to add the file to the directory until the cube processes the file and removes it from the directory. At the moment my VB keeps just copying over my old file.
I want it to look to see if it is there if it is keep looping until it has dissapeared and then copy the file to that location.
Public Const cSwitchFile As String = "Switch.csv"
'This sub is called from the refresh button which updates the query
Sub CopySwitchData()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
strSheetName = cSwitchFile
If SheetExists(strSheetName) Then
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"
'or Exit Sub, Loop ????????????????????????????
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
cLandingPath & cSwitchFolder & cSwitchFile, FileFormat:= _
xlCSVMSDOS, CreateBackup:=False
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Any ideas? I know this is very unelegant but it is just for a proof of concept. Cheers, Alistair