Hello and happy new year everyone. I am having troulbe with an Access 2010 query.
There are 2 MSSql 2000 tables involved:
1. mwo.dbo.mwo
2. mwo.dbo.numbers
Here is the query which works just fine in SQL 2000 Query Analyzer but in an Access 2010 query I get the following error:
"JOIN expression not supported"
SELECT 2011 AS completed_year, Numbers.Num As completed_week, coalesce(count(completed_week), 0) AS completed_wo
FROM [ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MSServer001;DATABASE=mwo;Trusted_Connection=Yes].Numbers
left Join mwo ON numbers.Num = completed_week and Numbers.Num Between 1 and 52 And (responsible_status = 'complete') and (completed_year = 2011)
GROUP BY completed_week, numbers.Num
ORDER BY completed_week;
Any ideas, anything obvious. Thanks so very much
There are 2 MSSql 2000 tables involved:
1. mwo.dbo.mwo
2. mwo.dbo.numbers
Here is the query which works just fine in SQL 2000 Query Analyzer but in an Access 2010 query I get the following error:
"JOIN expression not supported"
SELECT 2011 AS completed_year, Numbers.Num As completed_week, coalesce(count(completed_week), 0) AS completed_wo
FROM [ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MSServer001;DATABASE=mwo;Trusted_Connection=Yes].Numbers
left Join mwo ON numbers.Num = completed_week and Numbers.Num Between 1 and 52 And (responsible_status = 'complete') and (completed_year = 2011)
GROUP BY completed_week, numbers.Num
ORDER BY completed_week;
Any ideas, anything obvious. Thanks so very much