My first post on here even though I used the site before and found help from other peoples issues / answers.
Wondered if anyone can help with the following:
I am producing what I though was a simple report using Crystal 11 and data from Heat Call Logging 8.4.4 using a SQL database. In our HEAT database a created support ticket can have multiple assignments (various IT departments) but I need to report on all tickets that are only assigned to one specific department in the last 30 days. When I run my report I get all tickets assigned to that department but also tickets which have other departments assigned as well.
My base Report Expert formula is:
{CallLog.RecvdDate} in ToText(Year(CurrentDate-30),0,"") + "-" + ToText(Month(CurrentDate-30),"00") + "-" + ToText(Day(CurrentDate-30),"00") to ToText(Year(CurrentDate),0,"") + "-" + ToText(Month(CurrentDate),"00") + "-" + ToText(Day(CurrentDate),"00") and
{Asgnmnt.GroupName} = "System Administrators"
I have tried various arguments based on the Asgnmnt.GroupName field but I cannot get it to return tickets assigned to "System Administrators" only.
Maybe I'm missing something simple but if anyone has any suggestions I'd be grateful.