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Having trouble with panels

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Oct 15, 2003
For some reason I am getting the error "Illegal characters or statement type found in )ATTR section". I tried to construct a panel exactly as I saw it from a referance and this came up. I then called a panel that already existed and it worked fine. Then I copied the panel and tweaked it some what and it still worked. But all of a sudden after modifying it I can not get this panel to work or the one that I copied. The only thing that seemed to happen was reguarding the numbering standers. I think that I am missing some sort of format problem and keep getting this error. I really appreciate any sort of help that I can get. Thanks
If I were you I would check to make sure I didn't have any sequence numbers in columns 73-80.

If you do just type NONUM on the IPSF panel's command line and it should get rid of them.

It may also help if you can post the offending panel source.
I did the NONUM and I still am getting the same error. Here is the code:

| type(text) intens(high)
type(text) intens(low)
~ type(input) intens(high) caps(on)
} type(input) intens(low) caps(on)
type(input) intens(low) caps(off)
# type(output) intens(high)

Again, this worked before and even when I copied the whole file and tweaked it, but now I am getting that error. Talk about frustrating.

Another thing to check is that you haven't got any unwanted hex codes in the line anywhere.

Do a

F p'.'

and make sure that there are no hex codes that you didn't expect anywhere.

Outside of this I would check to make sure that I am not picking up a panel of the same name from somewhere else that I wasn't aware of. (I have had this happen before)
I tried your suggestion and still the same. I have now tried calling several other panels all with the same responce reguarding the ATTR section. All from a program that was working before. Is there anything that might be a setting on the userid or anything along these lines. I am still pretty new to this enviorment and not to familiar with anything except the coding. Thanks again
A thought, NONUM will move change the edit profile, it doesn't necessarily remove existing numbers - worth a look?
In this code you posted;

| type(text) intens(high)
type(text) intens(low)
~ type(input) intens(high) caps(on)
} type(input) intens(low) caps(on)
type(input) intens(low) caps(off)
# type(output) intens(high)

there are blank attribute identifiers for the second text and 3rd input definitions, as well as a space before the body identifier - I assume these are all characters which didn't translate into the post?

If you want you can e-mail me the whole panel and I could have a proper look.
Sorry to just get back now, was out of town for a few days. What I wound up doing, is copying one panel that I knew that worked and then editing what I need it to do. BUt I am still experiencing some sort of wierd problem with my panels. In the code below, I call a panel(NPNL) that passes a variable(im00stnd) back to the program and evaluates in the select portion. Everything seems to work fine, excpet when I call the panel(NPNL1). It does not produce an error, but does not pull it up. Now if I replace the first call panel with 'NPNL1' , it pulls it up. And the same goes if I call 'NPNL' in the second panel display it will also come up. But for some reason I cant get it to work this way. It is pretty frustrating becuase everything else works.

if im00stnd = 1 /* AND IM00PROF ='' AND IM00APPL = ''*/THEN
when im00stnd = 1 then do
STN1 = IN.1
STN2 = IN.2
STN3 = IN.3
STN4 = IN.4
STN5 = IN.5
out.1 = STN1
out.2 = STN2
out.3 = STN3
out.4 = STN4
out.5 = STN5
'EXECIO * DISKW FL2 (stem out. finis' /*write new info*/

Again, any help or advice at all would be great.

I would suggest that you need to use an IF.. THEN.. DO when you test IM00STND before the SELECT - it's possibly not even executing the panel display. I assume you have left out a lot of code like the OTHERWISE and END for the SELECT.

I would also suggest you do a text of the return code after the panel display - something like;

Address 'ISPEXEC' "Control Errors Return"
Address 'ISPEXEC' "Display Panel(NPNL1)"
if rc > 0 then do
say zerrsm '- return code 'rc
say zerrlm
Address 'ISPEXEC' "Control Errors Cancel"

At worst do a TRACE R and see exactly what parts of your REXX code are executing.
I ran the return code script that you suggested and received a code of '8'. Is that an Unexpected THEN or ELSE error? When I put a test line(say 'Test123') before and after the panel call, the lines are both printed out, so I know that it is getting to the display command. I have tried multiple ways to call panels and I am able to only display the same panel that I called initially, no matter which one that is. I can never display a different panel then the one I initially called. Is there a command or something that I am missing to end the first panel and then allow me to display a different one?
The return code 8 is when you hit PF3 while in the panel - if you had a panel error you would get a RC of 20. It seems strange the panel is not displaying but returning a code 8, almost like a NODISPL is being called.

If you want you can EM the code (rexx and panel) to me at john uscore s uscore nz at excite dot com.
KiwiREXXDude - I feel like and idiot. After reading your post I realized that the problem was that I was hitting F4 because it said enter on the bottom, and it was still processing the variables so I thought that it was ok to do. I am sorry for wasting your time. I am still learning, but when I do stupid things, that frustrates me to no end. Again, thanks for the time and help
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