I have to buy the hardware for building up a SAN.
This SAN should be connected to a Linux Cluster.
The cluster should be for High Performance.
At the moment I have 30 Dell PowerEdge R300 Computer (4x 1GB RAM, 2x HD's Sata 160GB, 4 Processors).
For Data Storage I need about 1 Petabyte.
The idea is to by the hardware from Dell.
For I am new in this area, I don't know which hardware to buy.
What do I need?
How many and which HD's?
How many racks?
Which kind of RAID should I use?
Do I need a Volume Controller?
Can anybody help me by given me an example of a hardware constellation?
Thanks a lot!!!
I have to buy the hardware for building up a SAN.
This SAN should be connected to a Linux Cluster.
The cluster should be for High Performance.
At the moment I have 30 Dell PowerEdge R300 Computer (4x 1GB RAM, 2x HD's Sata 160GB, 4 Processors).
For Data Storage I need about 1 Petabyte.
The idea is to by the hardware from Dell.
For I am new in this area, I don't know which hardware to buy.
What do I need?
How many and which HD's?
How many racks?
Which kind of RAID should I use?
Do I need a Volume Controller?
Can anybody help me by given me an example of a hardware constellation?
Thanks a lot!!!