i have recently built a new pc and i have a motherboard asus
western digital 250 gb hd
this hd is new nothing on it and bios cant find the hd when i check in bios or try to install xp pro
what should i do?
Is the drive EIDE or SATA? If SATA, are you using a data cable (usually red) and a power connector from your PSU? Or the combo data and power cable (usually blue}?
In the BIOS check to see that IDE HDD detection is set to Auto, and Access mode is Auto. Make sure HDD boot priority is set for your SATA drive. And for BOOT order, make sure HDD is one of the choices you have selected.
If that is Ok, did you install the SATA driver when XP setup asks you to press "F6"? The driver is probably on the CD that came with your MOBO. XP will want you to install the driver from a floppy though.
hey again
when f6 is available i push it but nothing happens its just going but i can press f2 so i really dont know
but in bios i can set hd to boot (for eks) but when i try to autudetect it it wont
The Asus website lists eight BIOS versions (1001 through 1008) for your MOBO. Unfortunately, the descriptions for each do not mention any improvements or changes related to SATA support... so maybe that's a good thing.
I am stumped though why F6 doesn't do anything during XP setup. If you press F6 when asked to (you need to be quick though)... setup should give you the option to install SATA drivers. If your keyboard has a F-lock key, make sure to press it first to enable the keys (my keyboard turns on a F LED when the keys enabled).
i am quick though but f6 still wont run and i have f mode on so that this should work but not
i am begiining to get mad if i sone get this pc up and go
On my ASUS P4P800 bord i have to go into the cmoss, on the first screen go into the IDE section, then enable the enhanced support then enable the serial ata boot rom. This should do the trick. You will have to reinstall XP, this time it should work ok. Advise how you go. Good luck.
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