Recently my C: drive became infected with the W95.Spaces virus. I spent several days booting from an emergency floppy running Norton Virus scans to remove/repair all the infected files. When I was finished, the drive wouldn't boot. It simply returns a NON SYSTEM DISK OR DISK ERROR
I can still boot from the floppy and see all the data on C. I have repaired (?) the MBR with fdisk /MBR. I have restored the boot sector and even compared it to my wife's to make sure it looks fairly reasonable.
I then got a new hard drive, formatted it clean, and installed it as the Master hard drive. It wouldn't
boot. Same error. I reformated again. Same thing.
I can put the drives on in any configuration (either as C or one by itself) and neither one will boot.
But, I can view ALL data if I boot from a floppy.
(But cannot start Windows).
Any ideas? Since a brand new drive had the exact same problem, it sounds like a hardware or CMOS problem...but
since all the data transferring seems to work fine...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.