Technical User
I built a new computer about two months ago, and a little afterwards, noticed a funny noise coming from the hdd. I've got a Maxtor Diamond 16 120 GB in there, and when it gets to the XP log in screen, the noise kicks in for about 10 seconds or so. It usually starts right after I log on, but will start while still on the logon screen if I wait a bit. It sounds as if the arm of the HDD is moving, but it is WAY louder than it should be. It sounds like it may be dragging across something. I've had several issues with drivers causing this computer to crash, and the machine isn't set up all that well - first machine I've built in probably a two or three year hiatus, but I've never run across something like this before. I ran a diagnostic program from Maxtor's website called Powermax that is supposed to detect certain physical problems. It didn't detect anything on the first scan, but it moved far slower than it should have. I let an in-depth scan, that should have taken 30 hours max, run for two days before stopping it.
Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong with my hard drive? Should I send it back to be replaced?
Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong with my hard drive? Should I send it back to be replaced?