New Western Digital 30 gig 7200 speed Drive installing Win 98SE
With win 98 startup disk Fdisk to create Dos Partition large Y Fdisk file dtd 4/23/99 shutdown then start again and Format C: /u to format drive
Next created directory Options and sub Win 98 to install from cd to Drive. I was then going to run setup from within the sub win 98 directory to install on C: ( for the purpose of having all the files in one clean directory and so when I needed to use CD, could point to folder)
Then ran Scandisk and had several errors Such as Fat does not match
saying copy 1 of FAT is Different that copy 2 asked if I wanted fixed I said yes
then went thru scan and began surface Scan and when 25% complete began to identify errors in clusters When I quit, I had told it to fix 100 clusters it identified as bad. The log then displayed that scandisk had copied FAT copy 1 over the top of FAT copy 2 and that it had patched 92 clusters. This is a new drive, what is goin on?
I can use HELP or should I try to get it replaced
Thanks, ceedee!
With win 98 startup disk Fdisk to create Dos Partition large Y Fdisk file dtd 4/23/99 shutdown then start again and Format C: /u to format drive
Next created directory Options and sub Win 98 to install from cd to Drive. I was then going to run setup from within the sub win 98 directory to install on C: ( for the purpose of having all the files in one clean directory and so when I needed to use CD, could point to folder)
Then ran Scandisk and had several errors Such as Fat does not match
saying copy 1 of FAT is Different that copy 2 asked if I wanted fixed I said yes
then went thru scan and began surface Scan and when 25% complete began to identify errors in clusters When I quit, I had told it to fix 100 clusters it identified as bad. The log then displayed that scandisk had copied FAT copy 1 over the top of FAT copy 2 and that it had patched 92 clusters. This is a new drive, what is goin on?
I can use HELP or should I try to get it replaced
Thanks, ceedee!