HELP - I am trying to recover data from a crashed hard drive. To explain the situation: I was away from the machine for a while and when I returned everything was frozen (I had Excel, Access, and Word up at the time). I did not try to close anything down individually, I just Ctrl+Alt+Del twice to soft-boot the PC. Unfortunately it was too late when I realized it but I had left a floppy in the A: drive so when the pc booted up I received an "Invalid system disk error - please press any key to retry" message. No big deal I removed the disk and pressed enter but I received the same Invalid system disk error, therefore I shutdown the pc completely and then I powered it back on but I still received the Invalid system disk error. I tried rebooting a couple more times but I kept receiving the same message. Next I tried booting up with the system floppy from the manufacturer which enabled me to get into DOS but when I did a directory listing for the C: drive there were no files or directories listed yet it showed only 3GB of space free on my 6GB drive so I knew my files were still there but I couldn't get to them. Next, I did something that I'm not sure I should have. I re-installed Win98 SE once I knew it would not re-format the drive (it’s FAT32 if that helps). I thought that re-installing windows would just overlay my system files and get me back into the operating system without harming my data files, however, after re-installing windows (which went smoothly) and getting back into the pc through windows I still could not see any of my data files. I believe my files are still there even though I can't see them because my system shows I only have 3GB free but I have a 6GB drive and I know Win98 doesn't take up 3GB. Unfortunately after this unsuccessful attempt I started searching around for solutions and tried fdisk /mbr and sys c: commands but they were also unsuccessful and I’m worried that the order in which I tried my solutions was incorrect. I believe my partition table has been corrupted. Can anyone help me recover my data or recommend a good tool or service that can help me? Thanks, I appreciate it.