Master/media: Win2003 SP1, NBU 6.0MP1
Client: Win2003 SP1, NBU 6.0
Backup hangs in "positioning" (below) whenever any *one* of the following is added to the filelist:
1. C:\
2. System_State:\
3. Shadow Copy Components:\
6/09/2006 12:38:12 PM - requesting resource Storage-Group-1
6/09/2006 12:38:12 PM - requesting resource MasterServer.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.ClientServer
6/09/2006 12:38:12 PM - requesting resource MasterServer.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.ClientServer
6/09/2006 12:38:13 PM - granted resource MasterServer.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.ClientServer
6/09/2006 12:38:13 PM - granted resource MasterServer.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.ClientServer
6/09/2006 12:38:13 PM - granted resource RUA218
6/09/2006 12:38:13 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001
6/09/2006 12:38:13 PM - granted resource MasterServer-hcart3-robot-tld-0
6/09/2006 12:38:13 PM - started process bpbrm (1140)
6/09/2006 12:38:15 PM - connecting
6/09/2006 12:38:16 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:01
6/09/2006 12:38:18 PM - mounting RUA218
6/09/2006 12:38:57 PM - mounted; mount time: 00:00:39
6/09/2006 12:39:00 PM - positioning RUA218 to file 1
6/09/2006 12:39:12 PM - begin writing
6/09/2006 12:39:17 PM - positioned RUA218; position time: 00:00:17
1. Hostname resolution is sound.
2. Other backup jobs can use the same tape/drive at the same time without issue.
3. Nothing NBU related in the Event Viewer leading up to the hang on master/media or client.
4. Nothing fishy that I can see in verbose bpcd, bptm, or bpbrm; bpbkar is showing TCP 10054 errors at the time of hang.
5. No images are written as per bpimagelist output: No entity was found
6. Tried restarting client services and rebooting master/media.
7. Test backups of multiple files in D:\Temp works fine.
8. WOFB disabled.
9. Backups to every other client is fine.