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GRTD login failure resolution

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Feb 6, 2004
I found that our NT stations seem to be able to run GRTD without the Symposium Express client, but our XP stations would generate agent database login failures. I found the information in the user guide for changing the configuration, but don't think I need to use a Sybase driver, and that part isn't clear in the documentation. IN fact, it didn't seem to install properly if its supposed to during the installation, and an existing Sybase driver on our XP stations also wouldn't connect. You need a Symposium Client workstation running GRTD to use this fix. Here's what I did:

- from a Symposium client workstation running GRTD, get a copy of the agent.mdb file and rename it to agentdata.mdb; on the XP workstation without the Symposium client, copy the file to the c:\program files\nortel\grtd folder (presuming the default installation was used for GRTD); say YES to replace the one that is already there
- reconfigure ODBC: start\settings\control panel\administrative tools\data sources (odbc)
- select System DSN tab, highlight the GRTD_DSN entry and click remove
- now click on ADD, select Microsoft Access Driver
- enter GRTD_DSN for datasource name
- click under database, click SELECT, and select c:\program files\nortel\grtd\agentdata.mdb, Click OK, then OK to exit odbc.
- launch GRTD -

What I'm not sure of is how frequently that agentdata.mdb file will need to be refreshed. The installation guide indicates that it needs to be updated every time agent information changes or when you want updated personal DNs.

We have installed GRTD on XP but have issue with the agent map not working- have you get it working?

Now that I'm a few more months into support, I think I can clarify what I did and hopefully it will help. We run Symposium Express 4.2 and GRTD 3.05.05:
1. You need a workstation with the Symposium client. Reminder: use default file locations for the installations, even though it may appear you can change them (the apps just won't work reliably if you alter the default directories). Load GRTD on that workstation and verify it works.
2. From that workstation, copy the agents.mdb file from the c:\program files\nortel\grtd and place it on a drive you have access to from the other workstations that need to run GRTD. You may want to rename it now to agentdata.mdb. *This file will need to be refreshed periodically - I believe as agents change. You will need to consider what is an appropriate refresh for your environment - once a quarter, a month, a week... ugh.
3. Now install GRTD on the workstation NOT running the Symposium client. It will install on XP and will run without admin rights to the workstation. Copy the agents.mdb from the Symposium client station to c:\program files\nortel\grtd\agentdata.mdb. Say YES to replace the one that is already there.
4. This is the trick to making it work:
Reconfigure ODBC: start\settings\control panel\administrative tools\data sources (odbc)
5. Select System DSN tab, highlight the GRTD_DSN entry and click remove
6. Now click on ADD, select Microsoft Access Driver
7. Enter GRTD_DSN for datasource name
8. Click under database, click SELECT, and select c:\program files\nortel\grtd\agentdata.mdb, Click OK, then OK to exit odbc.

If this doesn't work, please supply Symposium version as well as specific errors you are receiving - I may have more ideas.

We have installed GRTD on a XP machine with the Symposium client and the PEP`s but on Agent map we do not see any changes in agent status. I looked at the agentdata.mdb and thats fine. It works ok on NT but not XP any ideas?

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