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Groupwise Support Pack 5 any suggestions

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Nov 6, 2000
I have seen that Novell has released Support Pack 5 for Groupwise 5.5. I am currently running 5.5.4. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on support pack 5. If you have installed it...Have you seen any issues...and what is your advice. I had a hard time with sp 4 so I am really hesitant. Thank you for your responses.

I'd be very interested to hear any feedback myself! We are also using GW554 and looking at SP5, but have hesitated on applying it, thus yet, because of past experiences.

Thanks in advance.
Ok, so who's first to try it? I want to make sure sp5a doesn't show up, after installing sp5. Lots of us have had that problem! Come on out there, I know some of you have applied it and are not sharing the valuable info with us.... We're here for you, tell us how good or bad it went.


Mark ;-)
On Wed the 20th I installed SP5 after running SP4 for about a year and a half. The update of the Server side of the software went pretty smoothly. I installed the client on my workstation this morning and everything seems to be working OK for now, however it is too early to tell. I chose the option to backup the old software folder, just in case I need to roll back to SP4, but I hope that's not necessary as my next step is to set up a new GW 6 system and move the users over to that. If I find any problems I be sure to post them here.

Thanks Ken. Anyone else done the deed yet?


Mark ;-)
Thanks for the update!!! I'm glad to hear that you didn't run into any issues! If you wouldn't mind giving us a progess report in a few weeks, that would really be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
I had such a beast of a time with service pack 3 that I havent attempted the anymore. The client was so hosed that I applied the client fix. Once I did that the SSD would not except the new service pack because it saw the newer client and said that "this service pack cannot be applied" or "this service pack is already in place". So, I too am interested in hearing how this latest service pack goes.
We installed it with just one glitch.

After we installed it, no one could access GroupWise or WebAccess. Turned out the patch put a duplicate ip address in the sys\etc\hosts file.

We just rem'd it out and all was perfect. Make sure you do reboot the server when you are finished or you'll get a couple of errors.

Our users like it because they can now click on the globe to read mail and it opens normally, instead of minimized on the taskbar.

It took care of about a dozen items we wished were in place, such as undeletable blob files, and speeding up printing.

We even added a /bl to the GroupWise desktop shortcut to keep the GW splash screen from loading and that really speeded things up.

Now, if I could get WebAccess (no enhancement pack) to print out dates and times, we'd be good to go.
As of April 26th everything with SP5 has been running smooth. I have re-booted the server several times and everything comes back up fine. So far I am the only on to use the new client but as everything looks the same I will be rolling out the client to all the users next week.
By the my GW System is rather small 40 users and 72 mail boxes with External Mail box's and Resources but we send about 30-40K and receive about 10-15k messages a week. There is no Library usage to speak of and no Workflow setup or Web Access yet so it's rather simple.
I will be setting up the new server with GW6 next month.
Keep you posted after the Client roll out.

We have installed SP5 after running the original Groupwise 5.5 for a few years.
The only real problem we are having is that every email we receive is being auto-responded to:
Message Status - Delivered
Message Status - Opened
Message Status - Deleted (if the email is deleted)

The original senders of the emails are not impressed with getting all these autoresponses, especially if there is more than 1 recipient here.

Has anyone come across this and can maybe tell me how to stop them????

As of May 13th the final roll out of the SP5 Clients has worked like a charm except for a few systems that hicuped during the automatic install. I later ran manual install and all is fine.
The message status is caused by a setting in the GWIA being set to Full vs Undelivered on the Optional Gateway Settings tab. It must have gotten reset by the update.

On Thursday 16th May we updated to Service Pack 5 and all seemed to go well, until it was noticed that although external mail is coming into the Gateway it is not being distributed. Internal email and outgoing external is fine, its just the incoming. We're not to sure where it is being stored and we have to stop and start GroupWise to actually get it delivered. The client works fine however and our Mapi Spooler errors have gone.
Any ideas about our problem?
Installed SP5 right after it came out. No problems at all on any of the 3 systems I admin, including Webaccess and GWIA. Rumor around here is that SP5 exposes more problems than it causes. One of the systems upgraded to GW6 as part of a NW 6 cluster install, again no real problems.

Tried installing it this weekend, but was dismayed to find it did not take!
Aparently, if you have an install from an english only install from a multilingual cd, sp5 will not install.
They say wait for an update, but for how long?
Any help appreciated,
We implemented GW SP5 on the 6th July and are slowly rolling it out to our external sites. The actual upgrade went without any hitches and the client software has been rolled out to number of users. The only issue we have seen has been on one workstation running Win98 SE which prints out e-mail body text in Arabic. This only happened when printing to the HP LJ6P Enhanced driver. Printing to the 6P Standard works fine. It only happens on the one workstation which is running NPTWIN95.exe. Removing the printer drivers and reloading made no difference regardless of the version of the driver. We removed the GW Client via the removal tool and reloaded to no avail. As a workaround the user simply prints e-mails using teh 6P- Standard driver. (I saw some responses to this on another forum but reloading drivers seems to be the main response. I am keeping an eye on the Novell Support site but nothing on there relating to this problem!

Any other ideas from anyone?
We upgraded to SP5 last weekend (20/21st july), and youll probably be slightly dismayed to know that it completely screwed the Internet Agent, leaving us without external email for a couple of days (why dont support people work at the weekend, which is clearly the best time to do upgrades!)

we're now running an unreleased beta version which i believe is - apparently the problem is known to novell and only some people have it.. trust us to be one of the few!

we installed the pack due to the fact that it was the only version to officially coexist with office xp - why we updated the server as well i'll never know!
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