I have a groupwise post office on NT4 server and have installed the Enhancement pack to start it as a service in order to automate the startup and shutdown of the postoffice. However, when the service starts, it returns a message saying "uhable to load language resource: gwpoa1uk.dll" and needs ok to continue so cannot run as a non-interactive service (service hangs).
I have renamed all the ??????us.* files to uk but this has no effect. I have also changed the startup file to /Language-US and changed the registry to include this switch. I have changed the post office to us and have setup a path to the grpwise folder but nothing by passes this error message.
Does anyone have any ideas please.
I have renamed all the ??????us.* files to uk but this has no effect. I have also changed the startup file to /Language-US and changed the registry to include this switch. I have changed the post office to us and have setup a path to the grpwise folder but nothing by passes this error message.
Does anyone have any ideas please.