I’m using Crystal 10.
I’ve been working on a report that pulls information from our charge master. I use the following fields.
What the Controller wants is all of the Xray dept’s charges with the prices and most recent effective dates. I can get the most updated effective dates by grouping. However, there’s more info that is needed that I’m having difficulty with.
As you can see by my example below, for each charge code there is another charge code for a professional fee. The charge codes are similar except the professional fee starts with “PR”. The regular charge codes start with “R”. The have the same numbers after the letters.
Code Description Price effective date dept
R10022 Fine Needle asp 684.80 07/11/09 Radiology
PR10022 Fine Needle asp w/ 79.67 05/22/09 US Pro Fee
What she wants is what % of the Professional Fee from the original Charge code. My idea was grouping the similar numbers, and then figuring the percentage but I can’t seem to figure out a formula for that.
Can anyone help?? Please
I’ve been working on a report that pulls information from our charge master. I use the following fields.
What the Controller wants is all of the Xray dept’s charges with the prices and most recent effective dates. I can get the most updated effective dates by grouping. However, there’s more info that is needed that I’m having difficulty with.
As you can see by my example below, for each charge code there is another charge code for a professional fee. The charge codes are similar except the professional fee starts with “PR”. The regular charge codes start with “R”. The have the same numbers after the letters.
Code Description Price effective date dept
R10022 Fine Needle asp 684.80 07/11/09 Radiology
PR10022 Fine Needle asp w/ 79.67 05/22/09 US Pro Fee
What she wants is what % of the Professional Fee from the original Charge code. My idea was grouping the similar numbers, and then figuring the percentage but I can’t seem to figure out a formula for that.
Can anyone help?? Please