I have a report that is pretty basic:
Report is grouped by a date diff formula and has a formula for counting records based on the group
Business days # of records
1 22
2 10
3 5
4 11
5 9
6 10
8 6
11 3
I now want to create a new group that will group <=3 days, <=5 days, between 4 and 10 days, and >10 days..my result would be this
Business days # of records
<-3 37
<=5 57
4 - 10 days 16
>10 3
I have a report that is pretty basic:
Report is grouped by a date diff formula and has a formula for counting records based on the group
Business days # of records
1 22
2 10
3 5
4 11
5 9
6 10
8 6
11 3
I now want to create a new group that will group <=3 days, <=5 days, between 4 and 10 days, and >10 days..my result would be this
Business days # of records
<-3 37
<=5 57
4 - 10 days 16
>10 3