I am grouping the details by a field called tax_code. All the tax codes are 2 letters (alphanumeric) and uppercase, except for one. There are two groups for New York: NY and ny. I am grouping (and sorting) by this code. I have a parameter for the tax code, where the user can enter a (string) range, for instance L1-L9 and it returns all codes that begin with L and have a number. My problem is with the NY/ny groups. I would like an instance of the report to show all NY/ny, grouped and totalled. I asked for all codes from NY to ny (and also the opposite), and I get weird results. The grouping (on the left of the preview window) shows only one group (NY), but the data is for both groups, and the group footer is the footer for ny, but the totals are for both groups.
If I leave the range selection blank (to give me all groups), I get separate results for NY and ny.
CR 9 Pro.
selection code:
(if ({?tax code}='') then true //shows all if blank
else {TAX_TABLE.TAX_CODE}>= {?tax code} and {TAX_TABLE.TAX_CODE}<= {?tax code})
If I leave the range selection blank (to give me all groups), I get separate results for NY and ny.
CR 9 Pro.
selection code:
(if ({?tax code}='') then true //shows all if blank
else {TAX_TABLE.TAX_CODE}>= {?tax code} and {TAX_TABLE.TAX_CODE}<= {?tax code})