I need to create a report for a survey, grouping the results by the answer to Question 47. Something like this (there are 9 possible answers, so I need up to 9 different groupings):
My query grabs all the results from three different tables, but how (and where) do I group the results? I've tried a Where clause (Where Answer47 = 'Group 1') in the SQL statement, but all the *other* answers are exluded!!
I've tried "Having Answer Like "Group 1". I've tried a subQuery. I've tried a Union Query.
Should I be doing this in the Report, the Query, or somewhere else? Do I need to make a temporary table for each Group? Help!
Answer to Q47: "Group 1"
Question 1, Answer 1, # of Answers, % of Total
Question 2, Answer 2, # of Answers, % of Total
Answer to Q47: "Group 2"
Question 1, Answer 1, # of Answers, % of Total
Question 2, Answer 2, # of Answers, % of Total
Etc. up to Group 9
My query grabs all the results from three different tables, but how (and where) do I group the results? I've tried a Where clause (Where Answer47 = 'Group 1') in the SQL statement, but all the *other* answers are exluded!!
I've tried "Having Answer Like "Group 1". I've tried a subQuery. I've tried a Union Query.
Should I be doing this in the Report, the Query, or somewhere else? Do I need to make a temporary table for each Group? Help!