Technical User
I do a group sort by a formula. The formula is not available to sort by.
The report has 2 groups. I am summarizing the data in group 1 then calculating a percentage.
Formula 1 DELQ (supressed in detail)
if {@groupDelqCode}="30 Days" or
{@groupDelqCode}="60 Days" or
{@groupDelqCode}="90 Days" or
{@groupDelqCode}="120+ Days"
then 1 else 0
Formula 2 percdelq (in group footer 1)
Sum ({@DELQ}, {@NOT Specified})/Count ({ReportsStatic.loannumber}, {@NOT Specified}) * 100
I am using formula 2 because I am able to create a sum showing as a percentage of the grand total but not the group total. I need to sort by formula 2.
Any suggestions?
The report has 2 groups. I am summarizing the data in group 1 then calculating a percentage.
Formula 1 DELQ (supressed in detail)
if {@groupDelqCode}="30 Days" or
{@groupDelqCode}="60 Days" or
{@groupDelqCode}="90 Days" or
{@groupDelqCode}="120+ Days"
then 1 else 0
Formula 2 percdelq (in group footer 1)
Sum ({@DELQ}, {@NOT Specified})/Count ({ReportsStatic.loannumber}, {@NOT Specified}) * 100
I am using formula 2 because I am able to create a sum showing as a percentage of the grand total but not the group total. I need to sort by formula 2.
Any suggestions?