i have a main report B_EM_BacT-Alert.rpt and two sub reports B_Micro_dvalue.rpt and B_Micro_Bioburden.rpt
Both subreports have the same Group footer that has a formula @Pos2 (as under)
numberVar a ;
stringVar pos2;
a := instr ({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "-Btl ");
if a > 0 then pos2:= Mid ({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, a + 5, 1)
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Ster") > 0 then pos2 := '4'
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "TSA") > 0 then pos2 := '5'
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "PBS") > 0 then pos2 := '6'
else if (instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Received") = 7 or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Tested") = 7
or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Read") = 7 or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Conf") = 7)
then pos2 := '7'
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Gram") > 0 or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Bact") > 0
then pos2 := '8'
else pos2 := '9';
//if pos2 = 'Btl 1' then pos2:= 'Bottle 1';
The B_Micro_Bioburden.rpt output displays rows 1, and 3, but B_Micro_dvalue.rpt output does not. I dont understand as both sub-reports have same formula and configuration.
I will be glad to show the reports through webex or something if anyone can help me please.
Happy New Year
Both subreports have the same Group footer that has a formula @Pos2 (as under)
numberVar a ;
stringVar pos2;
a := instr ({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "-Btl ");
if a > 0 then pos2:= Mid ({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, a + 5, 1)
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Ster") > 0 then pos2 := '4'
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "TSA") > 0 then pos2 := '5'
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "PBS") > 0 then pos2 := '6'
else if (instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Received") = 7 or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Tested") = 7
or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Read") = 7 or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Conf") = 7)
then pos2 := '7'
else if instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Gram") > 0 or instr({RESULT.REPORTED_NAME}, "Bact") > 0
then pos2 := '8'
else pos2 := '9';
//if pos2 = 'Btl 1' then pos2:= 'Bottle 1';
The B_Micro_Bioburden.rpt output displays rows 1, and 3, but B_Micro_dvalue.rpt output does not. I dont understand as both sub-reports have same formula and configuration.
I will be glad to show the reports through webex or something if anyone can help me please.
Happy New Year