The following code works correctly but I would like to group the results by the field transaction_id and only the transaction_id.
In many cases the only field that shows any different value is the PV field. Is there a way to do the query showing only the first value from the PV field.
Michael Brennan-White
New Hampshire Treasury Department
Select Distinct cast(substring(Ledger.Transaction_ID,3,11) as int ) as checknumber,
Ledger.Transaction_ID as TransactionID,,
rtrim(ledger.ref_trans_id) as pv ,
Vendors.vendor_code as vendorid,
Vendors.vendor_name as vendor,
Vendors.attention_line as attn,
Vendors.vendor_address_line1 as addr1,
Vendors.vendor_address_line2 as addr2,
Vendors.vendor_address_line3 as addr3,,Vendors.state,,
rtrim(Vendors.phone_area) + rtrim(Vendors.phone_number) as Phone,,
Vendors.last_payment_date as LastPay,
Vendors.create_change_date as LastUpdate,
Vendors.id_type as Vendortype,
Vendors.id_number as VendorNumber,
Vendors.vend_elec_pay_ind as Epay
from dbo.ifs_table_clrled Ledger
left outer join dbo.ifs_table_vend Vendors
on Ledger.Vendor_code = Vendors.Vendor_code
where Ledger.fisc_year = '2004' and Vendors.fisc_year = '2004' AND Ledger.bank_account_code = '54'
AND Ledger.Transaction_ID = 'AD00001496868'
In many cases the only field that shows any different value is the PV field. Is there a way to do the query showing only the first value from the PV field.
Michael Brennan-White
New Hampshire Treasury Department