I managed to make certain rows in my grid "red+bold" from a certain conditions in the fields. Now my client wants that specific row to blink (flash) as well. Can that be done? Anvody know how to do that one?
FYI: I've got the rest down packed in my grid row with no problems and I know how to make labels blink but I totally clueless on how to make specific rows in a grid to blink upon a certain condition.
I managed to make certain rows in my grid "red+bold" from a certain conditions in the fields. Now my client wants that specific row to blink (flash) as well. Can that be done? Anvody know how to do that one?
FYI: I've got the rest down packed in my grid row with no problems and I know how to make labels blink but I totally clueless on how to make specific rows in a grid to blink upon a certain condition.