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Grid problem in multiuser application

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Jan 19, 2003
Hi all,

I have an one2many form, like invoice in one multiuser application with a grid to hold the detail records

The problem is that When the first user edit (inside the grid) some detail records and the same time the second user save another invoice, the detail records of the second user
go in the grid of the second user and ofcourse this confuse the first user

I use private datassesions and databuffering, master and details records link, are unique

Thank you
at the time of editing the record, is the link field (FK) of detailed table filled with unique no ?.. check whether both the useres which are getting same value of FK.. data buffering should be 5 - (batch optimistic) and check for the index as well.
Hello Nikos1, I develop one application for Inventory Control with multi Storehouse(Invoice Entry, Order Form, etc) and I have 3 forms using one2many tables, each form use a unique number and get the number from a counter table. I use local tables(in Drive C:) to capture the data(temporary use) of the forms, with this, every user store the info and when you close the transacion, store this info into the Transactions table, update tables, print the Invoice and delete the temp data.

Sorry for my english.

Best regards from Panama,


Thank you for your replies

I use buffering 5 and the fk is unique

About the solution of using temporary data is my final way if i can not found help in my problem

Nikos - Greece

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Part and Inventory Search

