I an using an [itcl] fileselectionbox so that I can run a command on it. My question is how do I grab the name of the file to pass it along to my command
proc checkInFile { } {
global cs env userID
dialog .checkin -modality application -title {check In Files}
set cs [frame [.checkin childsite].f]
fileselectionbox $cs.fsd1 -directory /home/$userID/Working/
grid $cs.fsd1
grid $cs
.checkin buttonconfigure Help -text "Check New" -command ???I_have_no_clue???
.checkin activate
proc checkInFile { } {
global cs env userID
dialog .checkin -modality application -title {check In Files}
set cs [frame [.checkin childsite].f]
fileselectionbox $cs.fsd1 -directory /home/$userID/Working/
grid $cs.fsd1
grid $cs
.checkin buttonconfigure Help -text "Check New" -command ???I_have_no_clue???
.checkin activate