Hi all, first of all I apologize for my english basic (I'm Italian). For years, I read with interest the suggested solutions from this forum, and now for the first time I need your valuable help in solving a problem. I'm trying to synchronize the calendar in an existing project with my google calendar. The reading of the events work correctly while writing returns the following error:
* Create Event: sample
Inizio = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
ADDPROPERTY(Inizio , "dateTime", "2013-06-20T20:20:50.000")
Fine = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
ADDPROPERTY(Fine , "dateTime", "2013-06-20T20:20:55.000")
Evento = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "summary", "Da foxPro")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "transparency", "opaque")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "status", "confirmed")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "location", "")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "start", Inizio)
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "end", Fine)
m.loEvents = loJson.Stringify(m.Evento)
* Write events
m.lcJSON = loHttp.POST (m.lcUrl, m.loEvents )
* error returned
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Missing end time."
"code": 400,
"message": "Missing end time."
Please could you tell me where I'm wrong?
To do this I'm using the code in googlefy-your-app.zip format
Thanks in advance
* Create Event: sample
Inizio = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
ADDPROPERTY(Inizio , "dateTime", "2013-06-20T20:20:50.000")
Fine = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
ADDPROPERTY(Fine , "dateTime", "2013-06-20T20:20:55.000")
Evento = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "summary", "Da foxPro")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "transparency", "opaque")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "status", "confirmed")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "location", "")
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "start", Inizio)
ADDPROPERTY(Evento , "end", Fine)
m.loEvents = loJson.Stringify(m.Evento)
* Write events
m.lcJSON = loHttp.POST (m.lcUrl, m.loEvents )
* error returned
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Missing end time."
"code": 400,
"message": "Missing end time."
Please could you tell me where I'm wrong?
To do this I'm using the code in googlefy-your-app.zip format
Thanks in advance