Hello gberry
I mean Adding a global signature. Chrisstyles has given a usefull information. Do you also have something useful.
everthing is aprriciated.
Hello Everybody
I have seen that wir are using IMAP4 NNTP und Pop3 Protocols
I have not seen SMTP protocol used in Exchange Server. Can you please help me further
sorry muzkar, I don't understand.. do you mean that you haven't seen SMTP being used in Exchange, or your server does not use it?
The imsext.dll relates to the Internet Mail connector. Any mail that passes through it to be delivered to the outside world, would have the disclaimer/signiture attached. The protocol used for delivery is irelevent. Chris Styles
Hello Crisstyle
Many thanks for your reply. On exchange server Under Server Recipients properties. i have seen protocols)
HTTP (web) IMAP4 (Mail) NNTP (News) POP3 (Mail) for recipient enabled. I am Little bit confused because Microsofts artikel says Outbound STMP.
Ah, These are the protocols that the recipient is allowed to connect to exchange with.
Exchange does not use SMTP between the client and server, basically because the mail never leaves the server anyway. SMTP denotes how the file is sent. So you use pop3 perhaps to connect a ms outlook expres client and pull mail from the server. Or perhaps http for outlook web access, nntp for news, LDAP for the directory.
SMTP is the way exchange transmits email onto the net for delivery to another mail server "simple mail TRANSFER protocol"
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