Using macros recorded from the interface as a template, I am trying to automate the export (and, later, import to consolidated db) of GL consolidation data. This code appears to fire the processing half of the export, but not the export.
Also, when I read the field values, it would appear that destination directory (EXPDIR) is not exposed, and cannot be written at runtime?
Thanks for any light you might shed.
Using macros recorded from the interface as a template, I am trying to automate the export (and, later, import to consolidated db) of GL consolidation data. This code appears to fire the processing half of the export, but not the export.
glnkComp.OpenView "ZC0007", mvExport
Set mfExportFields = mvExport.Fields
mfExportFields("PROCESS").PutWithoutVerification ("BALANCE")
mfExportFields("UNITID").PutWithoutVerification ("01")
mfExportFields("EXPACCTS").PutWithoutVerification ("1")
mfExportFields("EXPSRC").PutWithoutVerification ("1")
mfExportFields("EXPSEGS").PutWithoutVerification ("1")
mfExportFields("EXPTRANS").PutWithoutVerification ("1")
mfExportFields("EXPACCTGRP").PutWithoutVerification ("1")
mfExportFields("FISCYR").PutWithoutVerification ("2008")
mfExportFields("FISCPERD").PutWithoutVerification ("06")
Also, when I read the field values, it would appear that destination directory (EXPDIR) is not exposed, and cannot be written at runtime?
Thanks for any light you might shed.