With Linux, I've got a PS file containing an image. You can find it here :
I want to transform this PS file into PCL file (to be printed on laserjet) using GhostScript. I use the following command :
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=laserjet
-sOutputFile=sky.pcl -c save pop -f sky.ps
The result file is here :
The problem is that the image is printed on the bottom of the page and is not entire !
For you to see the result, I transform the file into pdf doing :
pcl2pdf sky.pcl sky.pdf
you can see the result here :
As you see, the result is not correct.
Question : how can I do to print the image on the top/left at coordinate (0:0) instead of the bottom ? Is there an option in GhostScript ?
Thanks for your help.
With Linux, I've got a PS file containing an image. You can find it here :
I want to transform this PS file into PCL file (to be printed on laserjet) using GhostScript. I use the following command :
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=laserjet
-sOutputFile=sky.pcl -c save pop -f sky.ps
The result file is here :
The problem is that the image is printed on the bottom of the page and is not entire !
For you to see the result, I transform the file into pdf doing :
pcl2pdf sky.pcl sky.pdf
you can see the result here :
As you see, the result is not correct.
Question : how can I do to print the image on the top/left at coordinate (0:0) instead of the bottom ? Is there an option in GhostScript ?
Thanks for your help.