I am running under PowerBuilder 12.0, Windows XP with Ghostcript 9.0 with the following code:
I can run it successfully with Ghostscript installed on my own machine whether in development mode or from the executable, but the users running the executable and Ghostscript installed on Citrix Metaframe remote server are unable to save the datawindow in PDF format. Any ideas?
if DirectoryExists(ls_chemin_stk) = false then
end if
ls_chemin_stk += "\" + ls_fichier + ".pdf"
adw_impr.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = Distill!
adw_impr.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Distill.CustomPostScript = "No"
ll_fileno = adw_impr.SaveAs(ls_chemin_stk, PDF!, true)
if ll_fileno < 1 then
messagebox("Warning", "Attempt to save PDF file failed")
end if