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Getting Memo Fields to completely show up on report 2

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Jun 26, 2001
I have a report that displays a memo field in it. In that memo field anything past approximately 45 words are not displayed. Whether it is in the middle of a word or not it will stop displaying characters and move on to the next memo field and print it. Is there anyway that I can force it to display the complete contents of the memo field?

Make sure that the control holding the memo field has it's CanGrow property set to yes. Otherwise the field will stop displaying as soon as the text reaches the end of the control.

HTH Joe Miller
I too am having a problem getting a memo field to show correctly. Everywhere I look, the advice is to set the "Can Grow" property on both Form and Report. This I have done, but the memo field on the report is still only showing 255 characters maximum.

The field at table level has no formatting.

I have been given less than a week to complete this project, and if I can fix this problem, I'm there! Mick Snowden
Systems Support Engineer
Check your memo field in your report. You probably have a format defined (i.e a >). Remove the format and the entire memo field will print.

I've checked formatting in Table, Form and Report, and can see nothing other than Font and Font Size.

Still no joy. This is so maddening and it appears to have no logical cause......

Any more ideas? Mick Snowden
Systems Support Engineer
Where is the field located on the report? If it is in the Report header or footer it will not grow like you think.

I had the same problem and had to remove my memo fields from the page header or footer and report header and footer.
Thanks, John.

I've checked the report, and the memo fields in question appear in the Detail section.

Any more for any more? Mick Snowden
Systems Support Engineer
Was there any answer to this question? I have exactly the same problem as Mick Snowden.
Have you checked the properties of the Detail Section of your report to make sure that THAT SECTION'S CanGrow property is set to YES? If the Detail Section can't grow, it will only let your comment field grow within the space you allow for the Detail Section.

I just checked it in a test/dummy database; have a comment field with 300 characters of text in it. All of it displays/prints on the report. The only time it cut it off is when I (1) set the CanGrow property of the field to No, or (2) set the CanGrow property of the Detail Section to No (with insufficient space alotted to accommodate the growing comment field).

I'm using AccessXP, FYI.
The secret is to place the field directly in the report, not from a query. The SQL processes the memo field as a text field, truncating it to 255 characters.

If you just plonk the memo field as an object on the report, it does not truncate. Mick Snowden
Systems Support Engineer

Is there a difference in processing between a straight query constructed in the design-view mode vs. SQL? I tested that memo field basing the report on a query instead of straight off the table, and it still works for me - showing all 300 characters. (Or is there a change in processing in XP, which is what I'm using?)

I have the same problem and I really need to use a query, is there anything I can do?


M. Neto
I don't know if this will help anyboby, but my query had the memo field set to "group by". I changed this to "first" and then the hole characters apear in the report which was based on this query.

M. Neto
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