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Getting inside ip address on an outside nslookup

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Technical User
Jun 11, 2003
Ok here is my situation. I registered a domain blah.com with InterNIC. I have a static IP address with sprint and I am on dsl. First, my problem started with sprint. They do not provide webservices for home users with dsl. Great, had to be my luck. The only other solution was for me to try to start a dns server. Now, the problem I am having is if you go to some of the pages on the internet that do nslookup for you it is giving my priv address of which is my dns and web server. I am using a router to NAT everthing coming in from the outside. Am i making a mistake on the addresses in dns configuration. What address to I place in the fields my public or private one. My server is using the private address. Can anyone help with this issue.
You will need to port forward those services on your router with the static IP address. You will then need to set up DNS records that point to your external address. For example, you would point to your external address which would then forward the request to your server on the address.

If you are running your own DNS server and this is registered as the SOA for your domain then you will also need to allow port 53 (UDP) to your server so that other DNS servers can query yours.


Chris Andrew, CCNA, CCSA
So, I need to create another host record with my public ip address then create an A record of that record to the host record with public ip address? do i have that right? and then i need to do same with MX records?
so actually i need to create a reverse lookup zone?
Your forward lookup zone should be domain.com. Create 2 A records one for domain.com and one for with both of them having your public ip as their address (also do the same for mail.domain.com if your mailserver uses the same public ip). Then create an mx record that lists mail.domain.com as its server. Create a reverse lookup zone with your public ip that has records for both and domain.com.
heres what i did i created an A record with ip address of public. Next I created an Alias of that to the record i just made. I closed out dns interface and nslookup great it came back with public ip address. then i opened the dns interface again what do i see in forward look up zone the address changed to 192.168 address. What is happening? what happened to the public address i just put in there?
ok i figuered it out. I was browsing for server under the browse tab instead of just typing in my public address. i typed in public address for host, and MX records will this work?
Ok everybody its up and working thank you iproute and wbg34 for your help. you both were exactly on the money. thank again
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