I understand that this can only be accomplished via command line, but command line asks for authentication which does not work !!! Here is my command line:
C:\"Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\win32"\SS GET $/VSSTEST/*.* -r -vlLABEL1
I found which talks about authenticating when using vss command line. This confused the matters more !!! I came up wit the following but it does not work an I do not understand why because I am not a VB expert. Can anyone help PLEASE... The above website lead me to create the following code...
Const InvalidPath = 0
Const InvalidUserName = 1
Const InvalidPwd = 2
Const Success = 3
Declare Function Login lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\win32" (ByVal szUserName as String, ByVal szPassword as String, ByVal szUMPath as String) as Integer
Sub Main()
Dim RetVal as integer
Dim UserName, Password, UMPath as string
UserName = “myusername”
Password = “mypassword”
UMPath = “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vss\Data\UM.DAT”
RetVal = Login(UserName, Password, UMPath)
‘ All return error processing goes here
C:\"Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\win32"\SS GET $/VSSTEST/*.* -r -vlLABEL1
I found which talks about authenticating when using vss command line. This confused the matters more !!! I came up wit the following but it does not work an I do not understand why because I am not a VB expert. Can anyone help PLEASE... The above website lead me to create the following code...
Const InvalidPath = 0
Const InvalidUserName = 1
Const InvalidPwd = 2
Const Success = 3
Declare Function Login lib "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VSS\win32" (ByVal szUserName as String, ByVal szPassword as String, ByVal szUMPath as String) as Integer
Sub Main()
Dim RetVal as integer
Dim UserName, Password, UMPath as string
UserName = “myusername”
Password = “mypassword”
UMPath = “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vss\Data\UM.DAT”
RetVal = Login(UserName, Password, UMPath)
‘ All return error processing goes here