I would like to know how can I make the cursor bar appears over the the default choice in a push button. In my sitution I want 'NO' choice to be highlight when read starts. This is the code I'm using.
store 'NO' to n_choice
@ 00, 01 SAY "Print a Closing Report? " GET n_choice ;
PICTURE "@*HT \<YES;\!\<NO" SIZE 1, 1, 2
I would like to know how can I make the cursor bar appears over the the default choice in a push button. In my sitution I want 'NO' choice to be highlight when read starts. This is the code I'm using.
store 'NO' to n_choice
@ 00, 01 SAY "Print a Closing Report? " GET n_choice ;
PICTURE "@*HT \<YES;\!\<NO" SIZE 1, 1, 2