I've got a table that contains an error code field that can contain multiple error codes (001, 002, 003...) and it is joined to a reference table that contains the values of the codes and their corresponding descriptions:
ErrorCode char(75)
ErrorCode char(3)
Descript char(1000)
In my query, I'm joining Tbl1.ErrorCode = Tbl2.ErrorCode, and I'm using the Tbl2.Descript as the column displayed to the user. When there is only one value in Tbl1.ErrorCode, this works fine. When there is more than one value in Tbl1.ErrorCode, the column in my query is blank. I understand why, but how can I work around this to get multiple descriptions separated by semi-colon or pipe?
ErrorCode char(75)
ErrorCode char(3)
Descript char(1000)
In my query, I'm joining Tbl1.ErrorCode = Tbl2.ErrorCode, and I'm using the Tbl2.Descript as the column displayed to the user. When there is only one value in Tbl1.ErrorCode, this works fine. When there is more than one value in Tbl1.ErrorCode, the column in my query is blank. I understand why, but how can I work around this to get multiple descriptions separated by semi-colon or pipe?