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Oct 17, 2002

Im a Programmer working on Gentran NT ver3.1. Has anyone got any examples of conplex extended rule statements, or has anyone got any websites with any on.

Thanks in advance.

Give me a general idea of what you want to do & I can give you some examples.
I am running Gentran server version 3.01 on NT. I have created an export orders map version D93A.

From within the PIA segment data element #7008, which is a string, I want to replace a character which may be contained several times within the data element with another character.

I was wondering if you have an extended rule using a string variable to achieve this?
try using the string functions available for the extended rules they are powerfull enough to use to do this. write a looping program to parse the element and use string functions to cut or replace characters. night be a long funciton but it should work.
Use the strstr function within a loop.

strstr returns the location within the argument string for the character specified.

To look for the letter "w" in a string, you would do this...

integr i;


Unfortunately, the extended rules in GENTRAN don't work quite like the [apparently similar] BASIC language. You will have to loop thru using the strstr until your variable ('i' in this example) returns a zero (no more occurrances exist).

With each iteraction that returns a non-zero value you will need to then create the new value by taking the LEFT portion of the subject string (left(x,(i-1)) and concatenating the replacement character and then concatenating the right portion of that same subject string (right(x,(len(x)-i))).
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