Generator (which I've never used) was I believe, mostly used to dynamically load pictures and dynamic content at runtine. Since Flash MX you can now dynamically load pictures and sounds from Flash itself, thus no need for Generator itself, which, BTW, is no longer supported by MM.
A server service Online Generator had to be purchased seperately. This has been software has been deprecated.
I do not have flash 5 here but look for the generator panel under the Window menu. If you can't find it I will check my version at home to see where it is hiding.
The big perk to Generator Old was not only the ability to load things at run time, but more the ability to make a direct data connection to the data source of your choosing (DB, text file, etc...). I still have a couple of sites that use Offline Generator. It was a very robust tool and I was sad to see it go.
Most of the functionality of Generator has been integrated in to Flash MX and later. Flash MX 2004 Pro has data connection functionality as well, but not to the extent that Generator had.
Wow JT that almost looked like you knew what you were doing!
I can see Generator in the windows menu but it's greyed out.
I wanted to use the generator for flash buttons, so that I could put them into Dreamweaver's "insert flash button" folder. This would then give me the option to change url, back ground colour etc.
Thanks for your reply.
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