I am using Report to generate a text file, but I have a problem, in my PC the report file (plain text) looks OK, but when I run/open it in other PCs, each line that has more than 80 characters long, is spawn into a new line (adding the line feed character to that line)
an example of what is the error like:
this text is the 80 lines. **(OK)
this text is eighty two li **(added LF/CR)
thanks for your help
I am using Report to generate a text file, but I have a problem, in my PC the report file (plain text) looks OK, but when I run/open it in other PCs, each line that has more than 80 characters long, is spawn into a new line (adding the line feed character to that line)
an example of what is the error like:
this text is the 80 lines. **(OK)
this text is eighty two li **(added LF/CR)
thanks for your help