I am assuming that your query has a Sales Date column. If so, and you want to use specific dates as criteria, you have to enclose the dates between # signs.
An example...
Between #1/2/2005# And #1/2/2006#
The problem with this approach is that it requires constant maintenance - going into the query and changing the dates. Therefore a better approach to try would be...
1. Create an unbound form. Let's call it frmDateSelector
2. On the form put two text boxes. Let's call them txtStartDate and txtEndDate
3. Also on the form put a command button to run the report. The report will still be based on your original query.
4. In the query Sales Date column, put this as criteria... Between Forms!frmDateSelector!txtStartDate And Forms!frmDateSelector!txtEndDate
Then you run everything from your form. Whatever dates you enter in the unbound text boxes will be the dates entered in the query criteria.
Thank For your help just one more thing would this criteria generate an automatic report for that month if i were to insert a command button which ran this query.
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