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Geek humor 4

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Oct 10, 2003
Q: What's the square root of 69?
A: 8 something.
Q: Why do you like 77 more than 69?
A: 69 and then 8 more.

The optimist says the glass is half full. The pessimist says the glass is half empty. The engineer says you used the wrong size glass.

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because there is more manure there - original.

Reminds me of an Abbot & Costello routine, where Costello is conversing with a cabby regarding his tip...
Costello: "Excuse me , how much do you usually get for a tip?

Cabby: "Well the average tip is $10.00."

So Costello hands him a ten dollar bill.

Cabby: "You're the first person who's ever come up to the average!"

[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue][/sub]
KornGeek makes a good point. As most of us who took statistics know, there are at least 3 measures of central tendency (aka average): Mean, Median, and Mode. Mean being the most susceptible to extreme values.

So, if it only takes one or two people who can't drive in the rain (or snow) to screw up traffic for everyone, KornGeek's logic is quite right.

An old classic from the 1950's worth a read......"How to Lie with Statistics".

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because there is more manure there - original.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Best Regards,

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."[hammer]
Did you realize that birth is hereditary?

Yea, if your parents didn't have children, then you won't either!

[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue][/sub]
Skip, I've thought about that before. I thought it was pretty interesting to think that for me to be alive, every one of my ancestors, all the way back to the first organism on this planet, had to have have been successful at producing offspring. They all were fit to survive, and they all prevailed. Think of all the organisms that failed along the way. We are all the result of a pretty impressive winning streak.
And where did the first organism come from?

[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue][/sub]
I don't know, but my existence is proof enough for me that there was one.
How is that? Has anyone has ever observed this or reproduced such?

[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue][/sub]
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, or even if you are talking to me. It feels like you want to debate abiogenesis vs something else, but I am relatively new here and I'm not sure if that's the sort of topic that people want on this site.
==> It feels like you want to debate abiogenesis vs something else, but I am relatively new here and I'm not sure if that's the sort of topic that people want on this site.
That would not be an appropriate topic for discussion in MAI; however, it would very acceptable in STC (forum1229).

Good Luck
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Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something. - Plato
Skip said:
Did you realize that birth is hereditary?

Yea, if your parents didn't have children, then you won't either!

This is strangely similar to a conversation I was having with my kids (ages 9, 11, 13, and 15) recently. They were talking about all of the different things that have been shown to cause cancer. I told them that oxygen causes cancer. They didn't believe me.

I told them, people who don't breathe oxygen don't get cancer. One by one it sank in and they started laughing. (We have odd senses of humor in my house.)
Great correlation!

[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue][/sub]
Actually, they've found that DiHydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) has been present in every cancer cell that they have ever tested. Hmmm... and yet, this dangerous chemical is still unregulated by the government. Why?

Just my 2¢

"What the captain doesn't realize is that we've secretly replaced his Dilithium Crystals with new Folger's Crystals."

That stuff is everywhere gbaughma. It's even in the drinking fountain here at work! Did you ever see that comedy show (I think it was the Man Show) where they got all of these hippies to sign a petition to get rid of DHMO from some city's fountain?
Even so-called "Organic" produce is regularly treated with DHMO! When will the madness end?
Dr. D D Perrin said:
A mosquito was heard to complain
That a chemist had poisoned his brain
The cause of his sorrow
Was paradichloro

-- Francis
Francisus ego, sed non sum papa.
That DHMO stuff is almost as dangerous as Hydrogen Hydroxide.

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because there is more manure there - original.

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