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fusetalk forum login issues

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May 14, 2001
I have a site which is using fusetalk 4.0. My set up is win 2k server using cf 5.0.

To log users in I am using an existing table. I have followed the steps in the instructions for setting this up. My issue is that when a handfull(that I am aware of) of users come to the site or login some are getting either automatically logged in as another user or are loging in under the wrong user name.

My first thought was this was a session issue so I verified that all session create and reads were locked. Verified that the session timed out after 30 min in the application and set the default on the server to 30 min. This did not help so I tried a custom tag session management. (rsession) This also did not help.

Any suggestions?

Login action code to the site:

<cfif isdefined('form.submitMe')>
<cfquery name="qLogin" datasource="#request.dsn#">
select password,username,UUID,cemail
from contacts
where username = '#trim(form.username)#' and password = '#trim(form.password)#'

<cfif qLogin.recordcount gt 0>

<cfset request.session.userID = qLogin.UUID>
<cfset request.session.membername = qLogin.username>
<cfset request.session.memberemail = qLogin.cemail>
<cfset request.returnpage = request.session.returnPage>

<script type="text/javascript"> window.location="<cfoutput>#request.returnPage#</cfoutput>";</script>
<cfset var.message = "The username and or password you have enter is incorrect.">


Fusetalk login code:
<cfapplication name="myapp" sessionmanagement="yes" setclientcookies="yes" sessiontimeout="#createtimespan(0,0,30,0)#" applicationtimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#">

<cfparam name="request.session.userID" default="">
<cfquery name="qValidateUser" datasource="85239">
select * from contacts
where uuid = '#request.session.userID#'

<cfif qValidateUser.recordcount eq "0">
<cfset FTVAR_PROCEED = "No">
<cfset FTUSER_LOGGEDIN = "No">
<cfset FTUSER_NICKNAME = qValidateUser.username>
<cfset FTUSER_EMAILADDRESS = qValidateUser.cemail>
My issue is that when a handfull(that I am aware of) of users come to the site or login some are getting either automatically logged in as another user or are loging in under the wrong user name.
Sounds like a bug in Fusetalk. Have you contacted their support people?

Hope This Helps!

ECAR Technologies

"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M.C. Escher
They no longer support the version for 5.0 so I am on my own.
The solution was to use cookies instead of session variables for the users information once logged in. I found that there were issues with sessions in CF 5.0 where the sessions would cross even when cflock was used.
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