Technical User
Hi Everyone,
I'm quite the novice at SQL coding as compared to you guys, so hope I can explain this right!
I'm trying to do a full outer join table agltransact and agldimvalue for the description. However, because sometimes there is no values in agldimvalue or no values in agltransact i get an incomplete query result.
I tried to use the (+) on both sides (the (+) indicates the table/s should be expanded (with NULLs) where no matching rows exist ) in dimv.dim_value=t.dim_5 but obviously it does not work since you can only have it on one side. I've read about the full out join solving this problem, but I do not know how I can incorporate it into my existing code (see below).
I hope this all makes sense~
thanks in advance,
I'm quite the novice at SQL coding as compared to you guys, so hope I can explain this right!
I'm trying to do a full outer join table agltransact and agldimvalue for the description. However, because sometimes there is no values in agldimvalue or no values in agltransact i get an incomplete query result.
I tried to use the (+) on both sides (the (+) indicates the table/s should be expanded (with NULLs) where no matching rows exist ) in dimv.dim_value=t.dim_5 but obviously it does not work since you can only have it on one side. I've read about the full out join solving this problem, but I do not know how I can incorporate it into my existing code (see below).
SELECT t.voucher_type AS trans_type,
t.voucher_date AS Trans_date,
d5.description AS Account_text,
t.dim_1 AS CostC,
d7.description AS CostC_text,
t.dim_3 AS Employee,
d9.description AS Employee_text,
t.dim_5 AS Various,
dimv.description AS Various_desc,
t.dim_6 AS PAYEM,
d14.description AS PAYEM_Text,
t.dim_7 as Accrual,
t.voucher_no as Transno,
t.description as JournDesc,
u.description as name
FROM agltransact t, agldescription d5, agldescription d7, agldescription d9, agldescription d14, aaguser u,agldimvalue dimv
WHERE t.client=d5.client
AND t.account=d5.dim_value
AND d5.attribute_id='A0'
AND d5.language='EN'
AND t.client=d7.client
AND dimv.client='EH'
AND dimv.dim_value=t.dim_5
AND dimv.attribute_id=t.att_5_id
AND dimv.status='N'
AND t.dim_1=d7.dim_value
AND d7.attribute_id=t.att_1_id
AND d7.language='EN'
AND t.client=d9.client
AND t.dim_3=d9.dim_value
AND d9.attribute_id=t.att_3_id
AND d9.language='EN'
AND t.client=d14.client
AND t.dim_6=d14.dim_value
AND d14.attribute_id=t.att_6_id(+)
AND d14.language='EN'
AND t.user_id=u.user_id
AND t.client IN ('EH')
AND t.voucher_no LIKE '10000620'
ORDER BY t.sequence_no
I hope this all makes sense~
thanks in advance,