I have some code I wrote which will allow you to do things until you do a ftpfindfirst/ftpfindnext. Once I encounter the error 18 - no more files and send an internetclosehandle on the search I try to do anything else and it complains saying there is an ftp connection already active and processing.
What I want to know is
- can you only use the connection once per action
- can you only use ftpfindfirst/next once per connection of ftp - ie I would have to reconnect each time I want a listing
- is there a really helpful page online discussing and explaining the ftp connections via vb/vba
(not ms site not useful and not allapi.net either as this is just ms with a different view.)
Another thread I read here
thread713-429121 posted this is VBForums too, but there wasn't any replies.
I have some code I wrote which will allow you to do things until you do a ftpfindfirst/ftpfindnext. Once I encounter the error 18 - no more files and send an internetclosehandle on the search I try to do anything else and it complains saying there is an ftp connection already active and processing.
What I want to know is
- can you only use the connection once per action
- can you only use ftpfindfirst/next once per connection of ftp - ie I would have to reconnect each time I want a listing
- is there a really helpful page online discussing and explaining the ftp connections via vb/vba
(not ms site not useful and not allapi.net either as this is just ms with a different view.)
Another thread I read here
thread713-429121 posted this is VBForums too, but there wasn't any replies.