Two identical UNIXWARE 7.1.1 servers with current patches and Maintenance Sets; both set for large files and ulimit at 4194303. The root cron calls script to ftp and 'get' data from production server and move it to the backup server. This works until it tries a file that is 1.86 GB in size, then it quits. It only copies over 1.07 GB. HOWEVER, I can do this manually (as user root) and it works every time! I modified the .proto file, hoping to make the system ulimit work for this cron job but this time it didn't even copy this large file. What do I do and/or did I make a mistake in editing this file:
#ident "@(#)adm:common/cmd/.adm/.proto"
#ident "$Header: /sms/sinixV5.4es/rcs/s19-full/usr/src/cmd/.adm/.proto,v 1.1 91/
02/28 15:51:58 ccs Exp $"
cd $d
if [$l -eq 4194304]
ulimit unlimited
ulimit $l fi
umask $m
Thanks in advance!!
#ident "@(#)adm:common/cmd/.adm/.proto"
#ident "$Header: /sms/sinixV5.4es/rcs/s19-full/usr/src/cmd/.adm/.proto,v 1.1 91/
02/28 15:51:58 ccs Exp $"
cd $d
if [$l -eq 4194304]
ulimit unlimited
ulimit $l fi
umask $m
Thanks in advance!!