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Frusterating Problem

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Jun 10, 2005
I'm posting again to try and explain my situation more.. that and my boss and I need to find a solution soon for this.

I have a SQL Server DTS script that pushes data down to an excel file on the network. Now I have another excel sheet on my desktop that imports data from the excel file on the network, I turned off the option for background refreshing.. infact it does no refreshing at all on its own, I make it refresh its data in code in the on open event of the worksheet and thats it. I had set it up this way in hopes of being able to update the file on the network while people were using the file on their desktops, only problem is it seems that while they are using the file on their desktops it holds open a connection to the file on the network, and will not let me update it. Does anyone have any Ideas as to why it would hold it open, or how I could stop it, thanks again :)
Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with that setup. Are the end users updating the excel file or just viewing it? If they are just viewing the file, why not just export data from the database in a comma delimited format and then create a website for them to visit. You can setup the page to build dynamically everytime it is accessed or some other script builds the page ahead of time at preset times.
The excel file they are just viewing.. but that excel file does _alot_ of calculations on the data it pulls down, and it has to stay in this excel file because thats what they are used to using, so they want to keep it that way... I think I've solved my problem by copying the data file when the user starts up their lookup file, and getting data from that copy, so while they are viewing the main one isnt locked to be updated
Instead of using an excel file, why not create a view in the database that is accessed via a website? OS/software independent. Something to consider if this that important. Good luck.
Again, I _have_ to keep it in an excel file, users request =(


Welcome to Tek-Tips!

ChrisBeach said:
I'm posting again to try and explain my situation more.. that and my boss and I need to find a solution soon for this.

This thread is a continuation/clarification of [blue]thread68-1087759[/blue], which you posted less than two hours earlier.

A better practice, when you want to clarify a post, is to append the original rather than start a new thread. Each new post "bumps" the thread to the top of the list so it gets maximum exposure. Having two threads for the same question, whether in the same forum or a different one, dilutes the responses and can cause duplication of effort. In other words, if you're going to invite folks to a party, make sure they all know where to go [smile].

You'll find there are some remarkably talented people at Tek-Tips who are very generous in sharing their knowledge. We can help them to help us by not double posting.

I hope you'll take this as the friendly tip it's meant to be. I see that you've visited here about 20 times - trust me (as someone who has actually been red-flagged a time or two), few people pick up on all the "community rules" in their first 20 visits. I hope you'll come back often.

Best of Luck!

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