I'm trying to get a frame to reload from the original page. The left frame reloads fine but the right bottom will not???
Where I commented out I even tried setting the location.href to the original file name and nothing happens either way; no error or refresh.
During the use of the page the bottom right frame gets loaded with a PDF document with the following code:
Maybe the PDF is the trouble? I'm stumped.
---People Remember about 10% of what you say ---They never forget how you made them feel. Covey
Where I commented out I even tried setting the location.href to the original file name and nothing happens either way; no error or refresh.
<script language="JavaScript">
//var ReloadFile='right_bottom_frame.cfm';
//parent.rightBottomFrame.location.href = ReloadFile;
During the use of the page the bottom right frame gets loaded with a PDF document with the following code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function show_pdf_page(doc2show,DisplayName) {
parent.rightBottomFrame.location.href = doc2show+'#page=1';
<a ref="javascript:show_pdf_page'#Session.TargetFile#','#Session.DisplayFile#')"><a>
Maybe the PDF is the trouble? I'm stumped.
---People Remember about 10% of what you say ---They never forget how you made them feel. Covey