I am having issues with RIP updates while attempting a training lab concerning Frame Relay and split-horizon...
Basic setup is:
show ip route on r1 shows no RIP routes; and, debug ip rip on R2 reports:
Any suggestions welcome... I have tried this setup several times with the same result...
R1 is a 2500 (also my terminal server)
R2 & R3 are 2610XM's as is the final router which is set up to emulate the frame-relay cloud...
Basic setup is:

show ip route on r1 shows no RIP routes; and, debug ip rip on R2 reports:
*Mar 1 18:48:31.487: RIP: sending v2 update to via Loopback0 (
*Mar 1 18:48:31.487: RIP: build update entries - suppressing null update
R1 is a 2500 (also my terminal server)
R2 & R3 are 2610XM's as is the final router which is set up to emulate the frame-relay cloud...